Story of bhai bij

Brother Deepika has a special significance for Deepawali as well as the brother and sister's symbol of love. Indian sisters celebrate this festival on the occasion of their brother's mangas and bless them. In North and Central India, this festival is known as Mother Dwitiya Bhaiya Duj, formerly Bhai-Kota is called Bhai Bij and Bhauwija in the West. 
On this festival, sisters often make malta from cow dung; they make images of rice and turmeric, and betel leaves, fruits, paan, roli, sunshine, desserts etc, the lamp burns. The story of Yama Dwitiya is also heard on this day. It is in the form of mythological and folklore.
According to this the story of Dwitiya in the Vedic Purana is valid and important, according to it, the name of the goddess Yama Raj's sister-in-law is Yamuna; Yamuna sent messages to her beloved brother Yamraj repeatedly and got despair. One of his requests succeeded and Yamraj reached his sister Yamuna's house. Yamuna looked at them at the door and was glad In his house, he felicitated his brother and felicitated him. He used to make Mangal-vaccine and made delicious food made with his hands.
Yamraj was delighted to see sister's sister and she urged her to demand something from the sister. From the arrival of the Yamuna brother, everything had been found. On the request of the brother, he had just asked for the same boon, and it was a boon- Today's day is always remembered by celebrating the festival of siblings. That day Karthik Shukla was the second, since then, this day became the festival of love for brother Sister.
On this day each sister prepares delicious food according to her feat and feeds her brother, and her brother offers him a suitable gift as well, people have the impression that eating a sister's house does not hurt the brother, and the increase in her reputation and prosperity it occurs. Various stories like the story of Bhaat Bhatin related to the festival, the story of Raja Chambar, the tale of the sister's criticism are, in many cases, in the R, in many cases, the emotional unity is rooted in it, in which there is a relation between renunciation, strife and protective sentiment Proofs meet. 
In the story of sister's criticism, the poor brother goes to sister's house for criticism of Bhaiya Duj, and on the way she stops all the lions, rivers and mountains, and says that your mother sought your birth and asked for the gift of offering That was not completed until today. So we will sacrifice you only, that poor young man said that after getting the criticism of sister, you will take my sacrifice. The brother reached the house of the sister, the sister found her happy, the sister welcomed her. Criticized and gave food, as well as Yama Deva asked for life on her. 
At the request of the siblings, he returned and returned. Sister's Mars vaccine was fancy on her mind. So this time, the river stopped it, neither the gate, but the sister satisfactorily with the river, Pahad, Vanraj etc., all of the worship was satisfied. All of them gave him many blessings. According to this folk tale, since then, this festival is celebrated as sacrifice for sister's brother.  

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