लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों को मोदी सरकार का तोहफा, 3 फीसदी बढ़ाया महंगाई भत्ता
DA from January 2019 – Increase in Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees with effect from January 2019 is estimated at 3% on the basis of actual Consumer Price Index for 12 months for the period from January 2018 to December 2018

After All India Consumer Price Index witnessed higher ever increase in July 2018 to the extent of 10 points, increase in Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees and Pensioners from January 2019 was estimated to be not less than 3%.
Due to phenomenal increase in Consumer Price Index from 291 to 301 which is 10 points increase in July 2018 alone, there were chances for DA for Central Government Employees reaching 13% with effect from January 2019, with an increase of 4% in DA from the first half yearly 2019.
Historical data reveals that out of consumer price index for the period from 2005 to June 2018, highest monthly increase in the index was recorded in the month of July 2009 which was 7 Points.
CPI from August 2018 to November 2018 was almost steady as there was only one point increase during this period.
Now, after release of CPI for the month of December 2018, we have updated this DA Estimation. All India Consumer Price Index has decreased by one point in this month and present CPI is 301.
लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों को मोदी सरकार का तोहफा, 3 फीसदी बढ़ाया महंगाई भत्ता
नई दिल्ली: लोकसभा चुनाव 2019 (Lok Sabha Election 2019) से ठीक पहले मोदी सरकार (Narendra Modi Govt) ने केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों को एक बड़ा तोहफा दिया है. सरकार ने केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते में तीन फीसदी की बढ़ोतरी की है. इस फैसले से सरकार पर 9168 करोड़ रुपये का अतिरिक्त बोझ पड़ेगा. मंगलवार को केंद्रीय कैबिनेट के सामने महंगाई भत्ते को बढ़ाने के प्रस्ताव रखा गया था, जिसे बाद में मंजूरी दे दी गई. कैबिनेट ने दिल्ली से मेरठ के बीच रैपिड रेल ट्रांजिट सिस्टम को भी मंजूरी दी है. वहीं, मोदी सरकार की कैबिनेट ने ट्रिपल तलाक पर अध्यादेश को भी मंजूरी दे दी है.
DA from January 2019 – Increase in Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees News date 19 Feb clickhere