NTA Declares JEE (Main) January-2019 NTA Score The first JEE (Main) Examination was conducted by NTA between 8 th and12 th January, 2019 in two shifts per day across 258 cities in the country and abroad. A total number of 9, 29,198 candidates were registered for Paper –I (B.E. /B. Tech.) in this examination. There were 467 examination centres across the country and abroad. A total number of 566 Observers, 254 City- Coordinators and 25 State Coordinators were deployed at these centres to oversee the smooth and fair conduct of examination. The Paper-I was conducted in a total of 8 shifts from 9th to 12th January 2019. The results of Paper- I have been declared today. RESULTS AT A GLANCE Number of candidates registered (Paper-I: B.E. /B. Tech.) 9,29,198 Number of candidates appeared (Paper-I: B.E. /B. Tech.) 8,74,469

‘*’ NTA Scores are normalised scores across multi session papers and are based on the relative performance of all those who appeared for the examination in one session. The marks obtained are converted into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees.
2. The NTA Score indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that session.
3. The Percentile scores of a Candidate have been calculated as follows: 100 X Number of candidates appeared in the ‘Session’ with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate Total number of the candidates appeared in the ’Session’
4. The NTA Score of the Total is NOT an aggregate or average of the NTA Score of individual subject.
5. NTA score is not the same as percentage of marks obtained.
6. Candidate’s particulars including Category and Person with Disability (PwD) have been indicated as mentioned by the candidate in the online application form.
7. After the JEE MAIN APRIL-2019 Exam , the Ranks of the candidates will be released taking into consideration better of the two NTA Scores of all candidates appeared in JAN 2019 and APRIL 2019 examinations and in accordance with the policy already made available on the website
8. NTA Score for Paper-II (B.Arch. &B. Planning) will be declared later on.
9. The Examination was conducted completely in CBT mode for the first time.
10. For the first time, the candidates have the choice to appear in one/ two examinations for admission.
11. In order to make the examination system transparent, the Question Paper and recorded responses were displayed in the website for the verification by examinees.
12. To ensure accuracy and transparency of result, the keys of question papers were displayed in advance to invite challenges by the candidates.
13. For the first time in nationwide competitive examinations, live CCTV Surveillance was carried out.
14. Jammers were installed at the examination centres to prevent unfair practice by the candidates during the examination through mobile or any other electronic device.
15. The next online application for JEE (Main) April-2019 Examination shall start from 8th February and shall remain open till 7th March 2019. The uploading of images and payment of the application fee will be upto 8th March-2019.
16. The JEE (Main) April 2019 Examination will be conducted in CBT mode between 6th and 20th April, 2019.
National Testing Agency(NTA)
Procedure to be adopted for compilation of NTA scores for multi session Papers
(Normalization procedure based on PERCENTILESCORE)
NTA will be conducting examinations on multiple dates, generally in two sessions per day. The candidates will be given different sets of questions per session and it is quite possible that in spite of all efforts of maintainingequivalence among various question papers, the difficulty level of these question papers administered in different sessions may not be exactly the same. Some of the candidates may end up attempting a relatively tougher set of questions when compared to other sets. The candidates who attempt the comparatively tougher examination are likely to get lower marks as compared to those who attempt the easier one. In order to overcome such a situation,“Normalization procedure based on Percentile Score” will be used for ensuring that candidates are neither benefitted nor disadvantaged due to the difficulty level of the examination. With the objective of ensuring that a candidate’s true merit is identified, and that a level playing field is created in the above context, the Normalization Procedure, set out below shall be adopted, for compiling the NTA scores for multi session papers. The process of Normalization is an established practice for comparing candidate scores across multi session papers and is similar to those being adopted in other large educational selection tests conducted in India. Fornormalization across sections, NTA shall use the percentile equivalence. Percentile Scores: Percentile scores are scores based on the relative performance of all those who appear for the examination. Basically the marks obtained are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees. The Percentile Score indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that examination. Therefore the topper(highest score) of each session will get the same Percentile of 100 which is desirable. The marks obtained in between the highest and lowest scores are also converted to appropriate Percentiles. The Percentile score will be the Normalized Score for the examination(instead of the raw marks of the candidate) and shall be used for preparation of the merit lists. The Percentile Scores will be calculated up to 7 decimal places to avoid bunching effect and reduce ties.
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‘*’ NTA Scores are normalised scores across multi session papers and are based on the relative performance of all those who appeared for the examination in one session. The marks obtained are converted into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees.
2. The NTA Score indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that session.
3. The Percentile scores of a Candidate have been calculated as follows: 100 X Number of candidates appeared in the ‘Session’ with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate Total number of the candidates appeared in the ’Session’
4. The NTA Score of the Total is NOT an aggregate or average of the NTA Score of individual subject.
5. NTA score is not the same as percentage of marks obtained.
6. Candidate’s particulars including Category and Person with Disability (PwD) have been indicated as mentioned by the candidate in the online application form.
7. After the JEE MAIN APRIL-2019 Exam , the Ranks of the candidates will be released taking into consideration better of the two NTA Scores of all candidates appeared in JAN 2019 and APRIL 2019 examinations and in accordance with the policy already made available on the website
8. NTA Score for Paper-II (B.Arch. &B. Planning) will be declared later on.
9. The Examination was conducted completely in CBT mode for the first time.
10. For the first time, the candidates have the choice to appear in one/ two examinations for admission.
11. In order to make the examination system transparent, the Question Paper and recorded responses were displayed in the website for the verification by examinees.
12. To ensure accuracy and transparency of result, the keys of question papers were displayed in advance to invite challenges by the candidates.
13. For the first time in nationwide competitive examinations, live CCTV Surveillance was carried out.
14. Jammers were installed at the examination centres to prevent unfair practice by the candidates during the examination through mobile or any other electronic device.
15. The next online application for JEE (Main) April-2019 Examination shall start from 8th February and shall remain open till 7th March 2019. The uploading of images and payment of the application fee will be upto 8th March-2019.
16. The JEE (Main) April 2019 Examination will be conducted in CBT mode between 6th and 20th April, 2019.
National Testing Agency(NTA)
Procedure to be adopted for compilation of NTA scores for multi session Papers
(Normalization procedure based on PERCENTILESCORE)
NTA will be conducting examinations on multiple dates, generally in two sessions per day. The candidates will be given different sets of questions per session and it is quite possible that in spite of all efforts of maintainingequivalence among various question papers, the difficulty level of these question papers administered in different sessions may not be exactly the same. Some of the candidates may end up attempting a relatively tougher set of questions when compared to other sets. The candidates who attempt the comparatively tougher examination are likely to get lower marks as compared to those who attempt the easier one. In order to overcome such a situation,“Normalization procedure based on Percentile Score” will be used for ensuring that candidates are neither benefitted nor disadvantaged due to the difficulty level of the examination. With the objective of ensuring that a candidate’s true merit is identified, and that a level playing field is created in the above context, the Normalization Procedure, set out below shall be adopted, for compiling the NTA scores for multi session papers. The process of Normalization is an established practice for comparing candidate scores across multi session papers and is similar to those being adopted in other large educational selection tests conducted in India. Fornormalization across sections, NTA shall use the percentile equivalence. Percentile Scores: Percentile scores are scores based on the relative performance of all those who appear for the examination. Basically the marks obtained are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees. The Percentile Score indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that examination. Therefore the topper(highest score) of each session will get the same Percentile of 100 which is desirable. The marks obtained in between the highest and lowest scores are also converted to appropriate Percentiles. The Percentile score will be the Normalized Score for the examination(instead of the raw marks of the candidate) and shall be used for preparation of the merit lists. The Percentile Scores will be calculated up to 7 decimal places to avoid bunching effect and reduce ties.
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