GPSC Updates on 04-11-2018
GPSC Updates on 04-11-2018
Important Notice to Submit the Documents of Advt. No. 56 to 62/2018-19,various posts of Associate Professor / Reader Class-1 in Homoeopathy College
Formate of filling your(candidates) preference which will be given at a time of Interview for Advt. No. 39/2017-18
Exam Syllabus for Preliminary Exam of Dental Surgeon, Employees’ State Insurance Scheme, Class-2,Advertisement No:-70/2018-19
List of Ineligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 23/2018-19, Anaesthetist, Class-1, Employees State Insurance Scheme
Important Notice regarding Postponed of Preliminary Exam which held on 25/11/2018 of Advt No. 47-48/2018-19
Final Result of Advt. No. 82/2016-17, Assistant Professor, Accountancy, Class-2, Government Arts, Science and Commerce College
Final Result of Advt. No. 24/2017-18,Lecturer (Senior Scale) [Reader (Ayurved)], Swasthavritta, Class-1
GPSC Updates on 04-11-2018