Birsa Munda Tribal University Recruitment for Accountant/ Senior Clerk, Office Superintendent/ Head Clerk & Other Posts 2018
Birsa Munda Tribal University has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Application Fees: Application fees of Rs. 1000/- for General Category candidates and Rs. 500/- For Reserved Category Candidates- SC/ST/OBC/PH-Divyang/NT/DNT(provide caste certificate/Non Creamy Layer certificate as per G.O.G. Norms)by way of Demand Draft of any nationalized bank in favour of Registrar, Birsa Munda Tribal University, Rajpipla’ payable at Rajpipla should be submitted along-with the filled in application form. The fee is non- refundable/non-transferable in any case. • It is mandatory for all candidates to write details of full name, post which a candidate is applying for, address with PIN code, etc. behind demand draft.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: The application form should be sent to the Registrar, Birsa Munda Tribal University, Rajpipla, Dist. Narmada at Adarsh Nivasi School Campus, Vavdi Road, Rajpipla, Dist. Narmada pin code- 393145 2. It is mandatory for all candidates to send application by RPAD or Registered Speed Post AD, application sent by another means will be cancelled automatically. 3. Applicants are advised to submit the applications to the University well in advance without waiting for the last date to avoid postal delay or any other unforeseen problems. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage. 4. Canvassing in any form on behalf of or by any candidate will disqualify him/her from being considered. 5. The duly filled-in and completed application in all respect should reach the University on or before the due date mentioned in this Advertisement.
Last Date: 21-10-2018
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- Notification 69:
- Deputy Registrar: 02 Posts
- Legal Officer: 01 Post
- Accountant/Auditor: 01 Post
- Assistant Registrar: 02 Posts
- P.A. to Vice Chancellor / P.A. to Registrar cum Office Superintendent: 02 Posts
- Cashier cum Section Officer: 01 Post
- Notification 70:
- Technical Assistant (Library)/Assistant Librarian: 02 Posts
- Assistant System Manager: 01 Post
- Office Superintendent/ Head Clerk: 02 Posts
- Assistant Warden (Girls/Boys): 02 Posts
- Accountant/ Senior Clerk: 02 Posts
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Application Fees: Application fees of Rs. 1000/- for General Category candidates and Rs. 500/- For Reserved Category Candidates- SC/ST/OBC/PH-Divyang/NT/DNT(provide caste certificate/Non Creamy Layer certificate as per G.O.G. Norms)by way of Demand Draft of any nationalized bank in favour of Registrar, Birsa Munda Tribal University, Rajpipla’ payable at Rajpipla should be submitted along-with the filled in application form. The fee is non- refundable/non-transferable in any case. • It is mandatory for all candidates to write details of full name, post which a candidate is applying for, address with PIN code, etc. behind demand draft.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: The application form should be sent to the Registrar, Birsa Munda Tribal University, Rajpipla, Dist. Narmada at Adarsh Nivasi School Campus, Vavdi Road, Rajpipla, Dist. Narmada pin code- 393145 2. It is mandatory for all candidates to send application by RPAD or Registered Speed Post AD, application sent by another means will be cancelled automatically. 3. Applicants are advised to submit the applications to the University well in advance without waiting for the last date to avoid postal delay or any other unforeseen problems. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage. 4. Canvassing in any form on behalf of or by any candidate will disqualify him/her from being considered. 5. The duly filled-in and completed application in all respect should reach the University on or before the due date mentioned in this Advertisement.
Last Date: 21-10-2018
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Birsa Munda Tribal University Recruitment for Accountant/ Senior Clerk, Office Superintendent/ Head Clerk & Other Posts 2018